Western Togoland is an area in the Republic of Ghana. The area is currently divided into five geographical regions; Volta, Oti,  parts of Northern, North East, and Upper East Regions.

The Western Togoland includes  Ho, Kpando, Hohoe, Dambai, Zabzugu, Yendi, Gusiegu, Nankpaduri, and Bawku.

In fact, the Volta lake  (akosombo dam) and the Adome bidge was originally part of the Western Togoland.

Dr. Kwame Nkrumah deliberately took that part of land to the Eastern region, for a strategic region.


Germany established the Togoland protectorate in 1884, which was the year the African continent was actually demarcated.

Under German administration, the protectorate was regarded as a model colony or Musterkolonie and experienced a golden age.

During the First World War in 1914, Britain and France invaded the protectorate. After the German defeat, and the signing of the Treaty of Versailies, the western part of Togoland became a British mandate, British Togoland.

That is, after the defeat of German in the first world war, Britain and France divided the entire Togoland into two.

The western part became the western Togoland under British administration and the eastern part, now Togo became a French colony.

After the second world war in 1945, British Togoland became a United Nations Trust Territory that was still under British administration.

In 1957, the Western Togoland voted in a plebiscite to become part of what is now Ghana.

In fact, it is a public record that the said election was rigged under the influence of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.

The plebiscite had an inherent clause that says that the people can opt of Ghana and become an independent state after 50 years.

The people did not like the idea of belonging to Ghana, but the influence of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and rigging of the elections made it happen.

Dr. Kwame Nkrumah knew at the time of independence that, there is the likelihood that the people can break away so he deliberately divided the Western Togoland into three (3) regions; Volta, Northern and Upper East Regions.


A lot of people with little knowledge on the Western  Togoland have joined the conversation and attempting to down play and trivialising the efforts of these guys seeking independence for the Western Togoland.

The German before their departure had done a feasible study and had discovered *Uranium* a mineral  in large quantities in that stretch of land.

The 50 years plebiscite agreement has elapsed and the Germany has interest in that part of the country.

In 1974, this attempt was made and Acheampong used the armed forces to curb their efforts.

That is how come a military base was set up in Ho.

Our major problem is that we don't read and so have no idea of what is happening.

Mark my word, there is German interest in what is happening today.

A lot of engagements have been done and there is an assurance for that purpose.

Just forget about the little boys being arrested. There are heavy weights behind it.

Yesterday, German DW TV reported that, Western Togoland has gained sovereignty. It wasn't just a mistake, it's an agenda.

I  am aware that, a lot has been done and the people already have their currency.

They have gain roots such that no chief or member of parliament in the Volta region can publicly condemn or  criticise the actions of the group.

If you dare make an attempt you are loosing election

But there is a serious challenge. Yendi is part of the Western Togoland but Tamale is not.

So if Yendi agrees then Dagbon is divided which is a difficult thing to happen, unless other tribes around come into a serious support . So the group limited their activities to only the Volta region. 

We got up yesterday only to hear that, these people have ceased two police stations, made away with their armoury and taken three police officers hostage

No one knows who they have engaged and who is in support of this agenda.

If these people are able to take hostage, the military at Ho, then they have a base

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